Dyslectics also use screen readers so the audience is likely larger than
you think.
On Sat, 23 Dec 2017, Paul Gevers wrote:
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2017 14:32:08
From: Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org>
To: Debian TTS Team <tts-proj...@lists.alioth.debian.org>,
Debian Accessibility Team <debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org>
Subject: festvox voices
Dear all,
As you may have noticed, I have worked on several festival/festvox
packages lately. However, I was wondering about some issues, so I
solicit for advice. Mainly because I never use any of these packages myself.
1) We have three? 8kHz voices in our archive, with 16kHz siblings. Are
they still interesting to keep? I thing they served their purpose in
another era. Upstream hasn't listed them since 2007 (last one was in
festival 1.96). I propose we request for removal and have the 16kHz
package take over (via provides).
2) Festival/Festvox ship a lot of new voices since 2014?. How valuable
do we consider shipping multiple voices? I would expect that these
modern voices have better quality, is it worth it to have so many? I
guess that hearing a voice is a matter of taste and therefor worth to
have a choice. Looking at popcon? though, it seems most people settle
for one: festvox-kallpc16k, but it may be that that is the default
somehow, as it is the first dependency of festival. As I expect the most
important audience (pun intended) is rather small and a substantial
amount is probably reading this I value your opinion over popcon.
? festvox-kallpc8k, festvox-kdlpc8k, festvox-rablpc8k
? http://festvox.org/packed/festival/2.4/voices/