
On 21-04-17 16:21, Cobra wrote:
> The man page states:
> "speech-dispatcher is usually started automatically by client libraries
> (i.e. autospawn), so you only need to run it manually if 
> testing/debugging, or when in other explicit need for a special setup."
> So this behaviour doesn't seem broken to me, that's rather exactly as
> expected. Also, starting speechd-up with start-stop-daemon doesn't show
> any failures, despite missing special handling of speech-dispatcher.
> There is an open bug about autospawn with multiple users in #616313,
> but I don't see an immediate connection to our issues; we're always
> root and not touching speechd-up directly.

Hmm, should the speech-dispatcher package than rather NOT ship an init
file? Does it make sense in some setups? An when speech-dispatcher has
no init file, maybe than speechd-up shouldn't "Required-Start"
speech-dispatcher in its init file. Not that it matters, it still
doesn't work when I do that.

> I enabled this line in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf:
> CustomLogFile "protocol" 
> "/var/log/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher-protocol.log"
> /var/log/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher-protocol.log stays empty
> when using service (my VM is still using sysvinit-core now), but when I
> use the usual start-stop-daemon command, I get this log:

May it be that starting daemons via service may not have $HOME set? It
occurs to me that when I start speechd-up manually I see this with "ps
aux" (notice the socket location):
root     22182  0.0  0.0 174708  2224 ?        Ssl  19:47   0:00
/usr/bin/speech-dispatcher --spawn --communication-method unix_socket
--socket-path /root/.cache/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock

By the way, with "service" it seems that configuration of
speech-dispatcher is ignored. I find the logging in
/root/.cache/speech-dispatcher... where it now also records what goes
[Fri Apr 21 20:04:39 2017 : 549750] speechd: Error [speechd.c:665]:No
speech output modules were loaded - aborting...

I'll try to figure out further.


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