Hi all,

On 16-04-17 11:32, Cobra wrote:
> I did some tests and installing speechd-up failed the same way.

Same for me.

I added some debugging info to /etc/init.d/speechd-up, and it turns out
that the error is generated because the /proc/$pid in running_pid()
doesn't exist. It should exist as the call to start_daemon() in
start_server() was successful. When I run the command that I think is
executed there manually, the daemon starts properly and the dir in /proc

paul@testavoira ~ $ sudo /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --nicelevel 0
--quiet --oknodo --chdir "$PWD" --exec /usr/bin/speechd-up --oknodo
--pidfile /var/run/speechd-up.pid -- -l1
[Sun Apr 16 21:49:40 2017] speechd: Configuration has been read from
paul@testavoira ~ $ ll -d /proc/$(cat /var/run/speechd-up.pid)
dr-xr-xr-x 9 root root 0 apr 16 21:49 /proc/6276

I haven't figured out the difference yet.


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