Apt-get install qemu
After that
Qemu --curses

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Odd Martin Baanrud [] 
Skickat: den 28 november 2016 18:47
Till: Christian Schoepplein <>;
Ämne: Re: tips for a new qemu user


On 11/28/2016 10:59 AM, Christian Schoepplein wrote:

> I've not yet read the wiki page, first of all I'd like to know more 
> about what are the problems and questions regarding Quemu.

As I stated in my previous message regarding this, I thaught building a VM with 
qemu involved a huge amount of command-line parameters.
If qemu is started with the '-curses' option, can the job be done via an 
interface, or is this option just used to provide an accessible interface to an 
already created VM?

The challenge is that I'm unable to use the '-curses' option.
There's no qemu binary on my system, and running i.e. qemu-i386 with the 
'-curses' option produces an error.
qemu: unknown option 'curses'
So, what to do now?

Thanks for the tip regarding lxc, I'll check it out.

Regards, Martin

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