Hello Samuel,

Executive summary:
All test cases I used with mini.iso passed in that once a sound card selection was made that sound card selection was allowed into the installer proper.
Case 1: logitech only connected to computer,
case 2: usb speakers only connected to computer,
Case 3: usb speakers connected to desk and desk connected to computer,
Case 4.1: both logitech and usb speakers connected to computer with logitech chosen, Case 4.2: both logitech and usb speakers connected to computer with usb speakers chosen, Case 5.1: logitech connected to computer with usb connected to desk and desk connected to computer with logitech chosen, 5.2: logitech connected to computer and usb connected to desk and desk connected to computer with usb chosen.

Fixing that race condition I think has made the code functional to level you expected. On Mon, 28 Nov 2016, Samuel Thibault wrote:

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Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2016 00:29:08 +0100
From: Samuel Thibault <sthiba...@debian.org>
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Jude DaShiell, on Sun 27 Nov 2016 16:59:20 -0500, wrote:
> No speech from the installer either.


I have checked with other setups, and in some cases there is a race
indeed.  I have fixed it, could you test this image:




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