Patrick Schleizer <> writes:

> I am a maintainer of Whonix, which is a Free/Libre Software derivative
> of Debian. In essence, a pre-installed Debian with modifications. Ready
> to be downloaded images to be used inside virtual machines.
> It would be awesome if you could advice which packages should be
> installed by default to for better accessibility support.
> Would it make sense to install all of the following?
> gnome-orca espeakup brltty brltty-speechd brltty-x11 console-braille
> florence dasher kdeaccessibility kvkbd kmousetool kmag kmouth jovie

Sounds like a reasonable selection.  I am not familiar with all of those though.

> Any other packages that should be installed by default?

Maybe qt-at-spi.

> Any other settings that should be tuned by default?

Hmm, lynx.cfg:SHOW_CURSOR:TRUE comes to mind.
I am not familiar enough with your drivative to make any good
suggestions off-hand.


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