>>>>> "Halim" == Halim Sahin <halim.sa...@freenet.de> writes:
Halim> Hi, I am not sure if I got it right. If you want to shutdown Halim> connection to pa every time after speechoutput this will Halim> produce latency and would reduce responsiveness of speechd. Halim> Responsiveness is an important thing for a11y Applications. I think that if you haven't been speaking for say 10 seconds or so, the sort of latency you're talking about even if you have to pull the ALSA stream back up within pulseaudio itself is entirely acceptable. Certainly I don't see latency problems on ]Android when I touch the device after it's suspended audio. It's not using pulse, but I suspect the latency you're talking about there is very close to what you'd see if you restart the streat between speech-dispatcher and pulseaudio and that restarts the alsa stream within pulseaudio. Actually, I do have hard data on this. I use espeak with emacspeak through pulseaudio directly without speech-dispatcher. If I don't have speech-dispatcher running, which is to say, nothing is holding the alsa stream open at the pulseaudio level, responsiveness is fine. So, no, I don't think the issue you're describing is a significant problem if you hold the stream open for a few seconds after you're done.