Joey Hess, le Sun 08 Jul 2012 08:01:51 -0600, a écrit :
> Samuel Thibault wrote:
> > Well, I guess at least for speech synthesis some people may find it
> > easier to use. speakup still has issues with questions with a lot of
> > choices: the language question, for instance, is a pain to listen to.
> What lanaguages does speakup support?

bs cy eo et fr-be hu id ka la mk no pt-pt sk sv zh af ca da el es fi hi
hy is kn lv ml pl ro sq sw tr zh-yue bg cs de en fr hr it ku nl pt ru sr
ta vi

> We could make localechooser detect
> when speakup is enabled and voice a truncated list.

It could even be automatically computed from ls /usr/lib/*/espeak-data/voices

That's however not a real solution, the same issue arises for mirror
selection, etc.


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