To my mind, it's amazing any of this has ever worked at all under these 

On Sat, 18 Feb 2012, Samuel Thibault wrote:

> Jude DaShiell, le Sat 18 Feb 2012 07:43:11 -0500, a ?crit :
> > No mention of speakup is proper for versions of operating systems that 
> > will not install with the operating system and be operational.  If there 
> > is a subset of synthesizers that will work with a particular version and 
> > for good reason others are not going to work that needs to be made clear 
> > giving a screen reader list that will work
> How could we ever do that? We *don't* own all kinds of hardware
> synthesizers, so we can *not* test all of them, and thus we can not
> document which ones work and which ones don't. That's why we call for
> testing before releasing. If users don't test with their hardware, we
> can not document whether it works or not (let alone fix the bugs).
> Only now that you said that 6.0.4 poses problem with ltlk, we can add a
> paragraph in the release notes. But please *also* test a CD image of the
> "testing" distribution of Debian (future 7), to check whether the bug
> is still there and thus has to be tracked before releasing Debian 7, or
> not.
> Again, without tests from users, we can *not* fix bugs. Really. It's as
> simple as that.
> Samuel

Jude <jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net>

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