
just to let you know, the meeting might be streamed given we're finally
in a room with audio & video.

From the debconf site[1] that would be that link[2] to open in your favourite
media player.

 1. http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf9/Streams
 2. http://video.debconf.org:8000/Upper_talkroom.ogv.m3u

Quoting the announcement on debconf lists:

From: Enrico Zini <enr...@enricozini.org>
Subject: [Debconf-announce] Accessibility and Debian, today at 5pm / 17:00


today from 17:00 to 18:00 the upper talk room will be dedicated to
Accessibility and Debian.

Mario Lang and Sam Hartman will show how they use a computer and discuss
everyday accessibility experience and the current state of accessibility
technology in Debian.


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