Samuel Thibault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Frans Pop, le Tue 18 Mar 2008 21:05:30 +0100, a écrit :
>> On Tuesday 18 March 2008, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>> > I was wondering: since one of the goals of d-i for Lenny is to have a
>> > 2.6.24 kernel, and that it happens that that kernel has enough hooks for
>> > speakup to be compiled as a module, would it be ok to include speakup in
>> > the standard images, as a module which would be auto-loaded through a
>> > kernel parameter?


>> The module will first need to be included in the regular Debian kernel image 
>> packages of course.
> Ah, can't it be a separate package?

Isn't linux-modules-extra-2.6 where all the extra modules belong?
Seems logical to work speakup into the linux-modules-extra-2.6 source
package and have it produce binary packages named speakup-modules-2.6* like
the other module packages in there.

> (speakup can now be compiled fully independently)

linux-modules-extra-2.6 seems like the perfect place for speakup, now that it
does not require the kernel to be patched anymore.

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