the floppies use a speakup-kernel, I'm not sure if you need a special
boot-var as is used for brltty.

No their are no cd-images as of yet with access-support.
I made one myself but only with brltty.

You need to build a custrom-kernel to get that support on a cd.

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Mirabella, Mathew J wrote:

 > Hi all.
 > I have built floppies from the images labelled as access (for the blind)
 > and would like to use these to access the new sarge installation process
 > with speech.  Do these floppies have speakup kernels?  I have a dectalk
 > expressed connected to the serial port, but I am unable to get this to
 > work on booting from the boot floppy.  Is there a special boot parameter
 > that needs to be used to invoke speakup?
 > These are 2.4 kernels, but I will want to build and use a 2.6 kernel.
 > To make this process easier, are there any "access" cd images available
 > with kernel 2.6 as in versions of the net inst cd image?
 > Thanks for any help.
 > Mat.

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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UU based & VU guest-student     jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;)
chairman Stichting Studiereizen Storm 2002-2004
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