On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 08:55:52PM +0300, Veli-Pekka Tatila wrote:
> I suppose this could be some kind of a text mode GUI, similar to installers 
> in DOS games or the dialog interface in Debian, only more sophisticated. 
> Right?
Yep.  It's a program called aptitude.  I find it very helpful when I
want to look around at the data base of Debian packages.  Aptitude is
also good when you are installing and removing things because it nags
you before it finally does it.  That's helpful when you try doing
something that will cause important packages to be removed.  If it's not
already on your system, just type "apt-get install aptitude" as root. to
install it.  The other nice thing about aptitude is it's much more
friendly to screen readers than dselect.

> So, is it legal to make closed-source products that are based on 
> open-source, like the Mozilla engine? Perhaps this is a common 
> misconception, but I thought GPL disallows this.
Mozilla isn't under the GPL.  It's under a Netscape license.  That
license allows for closed source products to be built using it as a

I deleted to much here.  You asked about keyboard shortcuts in Gnome.
Also what window manager is best with Gnome.

Alt f1 opens the main Gnome menu.  It's the equivalent of the Windows
start menu.  Alt f2 opens the run program dialog.  Alt space opens the
window manager menu.  These work if you are using metacity as your
window manager.  Alt tab cycles between windows.  Control alt tab cycles
between panels and the desktop.  If you have more than 1 work space, alt
left and right arrows move between work spaces.
Shift f10 does a right click on the item with focus.  Control f10 on a
panel opens the panel menu.  It's the equivalent of a sighted user right
clicking on an empty spot on the panel.
Shift right and shift left arrows expand or colaps trees in dialogs.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but you get the idea.  The keys I've just
described work everywhare in Gnome.

Hope this helps.

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