On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Veli-Pekka Tatila wrote:

 > Thomas Tempé (Johnix) wrote:
 > > However, I believe you'd have to implement an "undelete" mechanism in
 > > the filesystem.
yes that is indeed the case. The INodes need not to be overwritten for
undo to work and the location needs still to be marked in some way.
(as I posted before) there seams to be undo-tools for ext2fs only.

 > I thought so, too. THe lack of such an undo mechanism isn't that bad, these
 > are just ideas that I think would be cool, and that might be possible in
 > Linux. I'll consider scripting a bit so that rm uses some kind of a Trash
 > emulation directory.
#only works if rm doens't get parameters that are dissimilar form mv
mv $* /tmp/
rm $*

/tmp/ gets emptied on reboots and so on.
This is a really quick-dirty-hack like scripting :)

 > > have you tried browsing through the existing shells on
 > > http://www.freshmeat.net ?
 > Will check that. I suppose there must be countless shells out there.
aptitude has also a shells-section, might be more intersting to brows

 > > I don't really know what you mean, or what you could get from it
 > Though not a problem on the LInux side, perhaps the database additions allow
 > you to finally do proper file type identification in Windows, that doesn't
 > solely rely on the file extension. Also, I believe file searches in a
 > database will be lightning fast, well we've got locate, and there are
 > probably some means of performing SQL-queries on metadata.
locate and not to forget find.
you also have file that does typing by automiagical way and not extention.
I believe the new MS-version Longhorn has a database-line filesystem (okay
I following a talk about it, not by my choosing just had to be there (see
chariman-line in sig)).

 > > Virtual FileSystem, which acts as an unifying interface for all filesystem
 > > implementations.
 > Sounds like a good design.
depends, every filesystem has it's unique pro's cons.
i.e. I'm runnign my new installs all with reiserfs becaues of the
journaling and it's faster then ext3fs whihc has journaling too.
JFS would be the best, but it isn't quite completely supported yet AFAIK.

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
student computer science        www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/
UU based & VU guest-student     jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;)
chairman Stichting Studiereizen STORM www: http://www.stistusto.nl
vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003

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