Hi Kenny,
Having just accidentally deleted your original I had to dig it up in the archives. I'm posting with the same subject so hope it'll occupy the right place in the message tree, hehe.

Kenny Hitt wrote:
You probably want to try modconf.
Since it was detected in Woody, it should have still worked if you
upgraded to a newer Debian kernel package.
I suppose so, too.

What is the contents of your
I'll have to chec this one as well. Here it is:
celeron:~# more /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file should contain the names of kernel modules that are
# to be loaded at boot time, one per line.  Comments begin with
# a "#", and everything on the line after them are ignored.


Remember that this is a pre-compiled 2.4 series kernel and not the 2.6 kernel patched with speakup we tried earlier. That 2.6 kernel did have proper networking. Here's what lspci says about my NIC:
0000:00:09.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c900 10BaseT [Boomerang]

suspect your friend is building the kernel from
Yes and no. We tried three different methods:

-2.4 pre-compiled speak-up kernel: discarded because it was an old version not supporting software speech yet.

-2.6 pre-compiled kernel: didn't auto-detect network card meaning my friend couldn't get on the machine through SSH. Also no sound either.

-2.6 kernel patched with Speakup sources. This one complained about not being able to open the initial console or something like that. Also no sound for some reason though the network did work.

-2.4 precompiled kernel: This is what I'm currently running. The same problems as above no network and no sound. My friend actually managed to delete the 2.2 kernel backup we had by messing up something with ln I think. What's the easiest way of getting the 2.2 Stable kernel image again, even if I'm currently running Testing? Um silly me, I gotta get the network working before I can install anything new on this machine (unless I can transfer ddeb packs via an USB Stick). I remember it just nicely auto-detected everything in the Woody installer with the 2.2 kernel. Is there a dialog based configuration interface for network cards? I've also got kudzu installed.

patched with the latest CVS version
of speakup, flite, speech-dispatcher, and speechd-up.
Umm what are these last two? My friend said he got it working with F-Lite and Speakup only, I think. Not sure about this, though.

I'm typing this using speakup with festival as my
Cool, I've heard Festival Light is more responsive meaning it will react quicker. Is the difference really significant? Also, have you used Yasr or Screader and how do they compare to Speakup? I've never used a real console screen reader on the DOS side. I just used magnification back then and my first real screen reader was for Win95.

With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and more:

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