On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 12:53:35PM +0300, Veli-Pekka Tatila wrote: > Kenny Hitt wrote: > there. Quite nice. We already installed the pre-compiled 2.6 kernel but the > problem is that it didn't auto-detect my 3Com Network card at all. How do I > get a Debian-style text-mode wizard that will walk me through Network card > configuration? > You probably want to try modconf. Since it was detected in Woody, it should have still worked if you upgraded to a newer Debian kernel package. What is the contents of your /etc/modules file? I'm not running a 2.6 Debian kernel package, so I'm not sure what might have caused the driver to not get loaded. I read in another message about problems you are having with a 2.6 kernel. From your other problems, I suspect your friend is building the kernel from source. If that's the case, you need to make sure the module for your network card is built. /etc/modules should have the name of the nodule you want. Just make sure you include it in the kernel config, and it should work.
> > Finally, my Linux friend has been experimented with different kinds of > Linux kernels under Gentoo recently. and he's trying to get a Speakup > kernel to use Festival Light. I read on the Web this is in deed nowadays > possible. Would be great to get this working. > To get it working, you need a kernel patched with the latest CVS version of speakup, flite, speech-dispatcher, and speechd-up. Debian has speech-dispatcher and flite packages, but not a speechd-up package. You will have to build speechd-up from source to get it working. Gentoo has all the packages, so it's slightly easier to get it working on Gentoo. I'm typing this using speakup with festival as my synth. This is using Gentoo, I haven't tryed to get festival working with speech-dispatcher on Debian. I do have speech-dispatcher working with flite on Debian. Since Debian doesn't seem to have a 2.6 kernel with speakup, you will also have to build the 2.6 kernel from source. Hope this helps. Kenny