On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, Veli-Pekka Tatila wrote:
 > Can I still use XMMS plug-ins in mplayer natively or through some wrapper?
 > Also, I seem to dislike the name Mplayer, and I think I know the reason as
 > well. In Windows, I usually launch apps through the run box and the name for
 > the Windows Media Player exe is mplayer. So the Microsoft Media Player comes
 > to mind first when-ever someone talks about mplayer. Can't help it, hehe.
well lucky us, it has nothing to do with the MS one :)
I don't think xmms codecs are supported, but I'm not sure.
YOu have to read the docs for that.

 > True, speaking of which, how do I let some non-root users install some
 > Debian packages? Isn't it pretty unpractical if maintaining a large system
 > and you'll always have to call someone with root previliges to be able to
 > install anything at all?
well as normal user you can always install (meaning unpack or compile)
software for yourself.
However, for systemwide stuff you need root-access.
You may wnat to have a look at the sudo program which can grand users
root-access to all or certain programs.
i.e. you could grand someone root-access only to run apt-get ro all apt*
It works on a basis of regex's

 > > linux-programs normally don't change basic stuff without
 > > asking.
 > I've noticed that. It's both good and bad in a way.
I peronally hate programs that change stuff without me knowing about it.

 > A bit like Swing in that regard, I suppose. Wasn't Sun also implementing GTK
 > accessibility or something?
probably still are.
I've been at the SUN firm in Dublin where we got a demonstration of
Gnome is going to be there new desktop and partly because of the
section508 stuff in the US, they want it accessible.
So they are indeed a heavy developer in that project.

 > On a side note again, I found this Gnome usability report very interesting.
 > A really enlightening read that clarified to me what is ment by good
 > usability and how difficult it is to achieve in practise:
 > http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/ut1_report/report_main.html
true enough.

 > I wonder how many of these issues have already been fixed in Gnome 2.6.

 > > tricky. Cause alt arrow left/right is already used to switch
 > > next/prev vt.
 > Well it could be some other key as well. THe only thing you'd have to do is
 > to remove the restriction that in line-oriented input like in the console,
 > you cannot move from one line to another.
maybe using a framebuffer os any other svgalib-like stuff may be a good

 > > Negative thing is that languages like python and perl are kinda slow
 > > cause the code is compiled in runtime.
 > Yeah. Or rather things are compiled, tidied up and optimized before running
 > but it is still significantly slower than a directly compiled language like
 > C as the end result is still interpreted. Well, there are good libs, but
 > regarding programmer efficiency, it is quite a hassle to implement
 > hashtables, vectors and regexp in C, all of which Perl has got built-in as
 > part of the language.
better use java then. Although in bytecode it still is somewhat slow,
there are native-compilers around as well

 > > the list is for debian-access, but access to linux/gnome/x is
 > > part of that.
 > Ah, that's good to hear. I'll consider that Gnome access list at some point.

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
student computer science        www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/
UU based & VU guest-student     jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;)
chairman Stichting Studiereizen STORM www: http://www.stistusto.nl
vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003

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