µAndor Demarteau wrote:
yes mplayer does.
Can I still use XMMS plug-ins in mplayer natively or through some wrapper? Also, I seem to dislike the name Mplayer, and I think I know the reason as well. In Windows, I usually launch apps through the run box and the name for the Windows Media Player exe is mplayer. So the Microsoft Media Player comes to mind first when-ever someone talks about mplayer. Can't help it, hehe.

the mplayer sources can very easily be compiled to a .deb
package by issuing debian/rules binary from the source-root.
Thanks for the tip. I'll ask more about this once I get the sound working. I'll ask my Linux friend help on the kernel update and sound support issues.

heya but under linux you may need root-access for that.
True, speaking of which, how do I let some non-root users install some Debian packages? Isn't it pretty unpractical if maintaining a large system and you'll always have to call someone with root previliges to be able to install anything at all?

linux-programs normally don't change basic stuff without
I've noticed that. It's both good and bad in a way.

the hole goal of the gnome-project is that accessablity is buildin
A bit like Swing in that regard, I suppose. Wasn't Sun also implementing GTK accessibility or something?

On a side note again, I found this Gnome usability report very interesting. A really enlightening read that clarified to me what is ment by good usability and how difficult it is to achieve in practise:


I wonder how many of these issues have already been fixed in Gnome 2.6.

tricky. Cause alt arrow left/right is already used to switch
next/prev vt.
Well it could be some other key as well. THe only thing you'd have to do is to remove the restriction that in line-oriented input like in the console, you cannot move from one line to another.

Negative thing is that languages like python and perl are kinda slow
cause the code is compiled in runtime.
Yeah. Or rather things are compiled, tidied up and optimized before running but it is still significantly slower than a directly compiled language like C as the end result is still interpreted. Well, there are good libs, but regarding programmer efficiency, it is quite a hassle to implement hashtables, vectors and regexp in C, all of which Perl has got built-in as part of the language.

the list is for debian-access, but access to linux/gnome/x is
part of that.
Ah, that's good to hear. I'll consider that Gnome access list at some point.

With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and more:

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