On Tue, 24 Aug 2004, Veli-Pekka Tatila wrote: > > XMMS doesn't use GTK, so it isn't accessible. > Not even the dialogs? Regarding Winamp, most screen readers are able to read > some of those bitmap controls on the player by interpreting the tooltips. > However, Winamp is fully keyboard accessible so no probs there. The > preferences dialogs use garden-variety Windows controls as far as I can tell > but they've still got some annoying problems regarding the tab order, > though. please use mplayer, it's fully keyboard-usable and even plays video-fiels on the console :)
> Do any of those console players support plug-ins? On the Windows side, I > like the fact that I can play: mod, wav, mid, mp3, ogg, nsf, sid, spc, gym > and a variety of other formats including videos through one uniform > interface, namely Winamp 2.x, without having to add the overhead of yet > another player for each format supported. yes mplayer does. Don't use the mplayer-package in debian cause it is stripped of some non-free stuff. However, the mplayer sources can very easily be compiled to a .deb package by issuing debian/rules binary from the source-root. > The problem is not multi-user support, it is that some screen readers, when > they are running, change some things like your keyboard repeat rate to > something else without asking you anything, namely Jaws. It's true it can be > turned off and it also returns your settings to the original if you quit > Jaws, but this kind of automation can be irritating nevertheless. heya but under linux you may need root-access for that. However, linux-programs normally don't change basic stuff without asking. > Are there still some problems regarding keyboard usage? One thing that is > problematic in many Windows apps is that people forget some key element out > of the tab ordre, effectively rendering the given control keyboard > inaccessible without using some kind of a review mode. the hole goal of the gnome-project is that accessablity is buildin always. And that developers of code simply can write accessible programs with very very little effort extra. So it won't cost them valueable time (which makes it very nice for them to include it and not leave it out becasue they don't have the time for it). > Also, one thing that should have keyboard support in GTK, but hasn't got any > in Windows at least, is a multi-column list box. There's no keyboard way of > resizing, reordering and sorting by a given column, although these things > should definitely be supported. Well, most smart apps mirror the sorting and > even the order and resize facilities in some menu or dialog (namely Outlook > Express). Of course there ar apps in which the author has forgotten to do > this, though. dunno how far they are yet. > I wonder if the same thing could work in the console too. In stead of using > flat review mode, make it track the cursor and mod the console so that the > cursor may be freely moved around the screen with say alt+arrows. tricky. Cause alt arrow left/right is already used to switch next/prev vt. > A good point. And isn't Python an interpreted language so it should be > fairly portable? should be aye. AFAIK it is. Negative thing is that languages like python and perl are kinda slow cause the code is compiled in runtime. > Topic query: > Is this kind of generic accessibility talk all right here or should the list > be used strictly for Debian specific stuff? Put another way, are we better > off continuing this on a X or Gnome accessibility list if there's such a > thing? I'm interested, don't get me wrong, just thought some other list > might be closer on topic. generally the list is for deian-access, but access to linux/gnome/x is part of that. However I think that there is a gnome-access list as well. > -- Andor Demarteau E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] student computer science www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/ UU based & VU guest-student jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;) ----------- chairman Stichting Studiereizen STORM www: http://www.stistusto.nl vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003