> Umm the funny bit is, it won't. I've tried three different spellings: > gnome, Gnome and GNOME, none of which have worked so far. It just says that > this package cannot be found. dunno, but my unstable install shows a gnome package available. So does testing.
> Do I have to somehow specify that I want stuff from the testing or unstable > branches shown also? Just out of curiosity, how unstable is unstable? well yeah, but it's hard to run stbale/testing at the same time. YOu have to choose for one of these and edit your /etc/apt/sources.list accordingly. For a starting user, pretty unstable :) I once even tried to remove my ipchains firewall tools during an upgrade. SO if you're not carefull unstable is a headache. > > However, you might be interested in xzoom too. > I just installed Xzoom hoping I can use that to explore KDE until I get the > lower resolutions to work. OK if i say xzoom in the KDE run box, it launches > the app quite happily. however, where's the manual? I don't seem to get much > out of the magnifier. I played with itcouple of years back, so I can't help you here sorry. > I did a complete reboot. How do I restart the X server only? Oh yes, and if > i kill a process with kill, can I use some nicer way of referencing a > running process than some pretty un-mnemonic, 3-digit process identifier? only 3 digets? they will be 5 when your box runs longer :) and yes killall <programname> will kill all instances of that program. Bit drastic and maybe not what you wnat sometimes. and /etc/init.d/<startx or somehting simmular dunno) restart|start|stop will do the trick. also ctr+alt+backspace kills an xserer. > > you could reconfigure X with only the low resolution. > I've tried this too, and even if I have a single res like 320x200 listed, it > won't zoom properly. Besides the lowest reso I can choose in the textmode > XF86 configf wizard is 640x480. SOmeone hinted in an old newsgroup post that > X is also pretty picky about the videocard and settings as far as > resolutions go. wouldn't surprise me. > Mine is Ati 3D Rage Pro. Which driver should I use: ati, atimisc or r128? I > suppose r128 is Rage 128 but it could be N-Vidia Riva, hich I really > wouldn't want to select. yes that's the ATI rage128 driver. ATI is good supported btw. -- Andor Demarteau E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] student computer science www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/ UU based & VU guest-student jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;) ----------- chairman Stichting Studiereizen STORM www: http://www.stistusto.nl vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003