>>>>> "MF" == Mario Fux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
MF> I'm not sure but do you know Emacspeak, a speaking version of MF> Emacs? http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net What Leo was talking about was probably speechd-el (see the corresponding Debian package). Emacspeak and speechd-el both speech-enable Emacs, but they are otherwise very different in their philosophy and approach to the problem. I suggest anyone interested in Emacs speech output to look at both of them. Regards, Milan Zamazal -- _/_\_/_ o _\_/_\_ o _/_\_/_ o _\_/_\_ o BEWARE! -<_|_|_|_><-- -<_|_|_|_><-- -<_|_|_|_><-- -<_|_|_|_><-- *Bugs* are / \ / o \ / \ o / \ / o \ / \ o approaching!