i really don't know how to help you in this kind of instalation, but may be you can ask in the debian accessibility list.
i forward this msg to the list (debian-accessibility@lists.debian.org) to find a good answer for you. un*rx a fecha de 11 de ene de 2004, a las 09:10:44 -0500, Lorenzo Prince dijo ... > I have a system that I would like to install Debian on. I don't have a > serial cable and the version with speakup is very, very old. The only > Woody version I could find with Speakup is on floppy disks, and I don't > have a floppy drive on this system I tried bootstrapping it using an > Oralux CD, but I want to upgrade to unstable, which gave me nothing but > trouble. Now, every time I run Apt-get I get millions of errors about > libc6 not being configured and I can't install libc6 because it says it > isn't completely installed. I don't know what to . What is the best > way to do this given the above circumstances? > > PRINCE -- "El libro de la Naturaleza esta escrito en caracteres matematicos." Galileo :: Kill Your Phone Line :: Free the Air :: netwalker[at]madridwireless.net jid: [EMAIL PROTECTED] wget -O - http://sindominio.net/DNEST/roxu/roxu.gpg | gpg --import
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