teh following is a transcript of a test I ran this evening.
- brltty 3.4
- debian woddy disks rescue.bin and root.bin vanilla (jsut the 1.44
- instrunctions ffom the corresponding readme from the brltty-tarball
This is a three-floppy setup, using a third diskt o host a tarball
including the brltty-stuff.
It's loaded just before the (u)dbootstrap program starts (in theory).
If anyone knows of another way, I'm listening.
Menawhile if I can find an easy way to do this I will put converted
startup-stuff for woody for all supported displays on my webpage.

I've just tested the document-info I found in the brltty 3.4 distribution
in the file bootdisks/README.Debian

One of the changes (I think to the innittab file) gives me the creaps.
I get loads of errors on the screen and the install process hangs.

I'm not sure which of the two does this,The errormessage go by a bit too
fast so even a sighted assistance can't easily read them.

I'm using the full-distro 1.44 rescue and root.bin, stable woody most
recent release (May 2003)

I'm now testing with the one change to the null:: to tty:: line.
I will keep the second one pointing to udbootstrap

I've not modified the rcS script
This won't give any errors anymore

I'm now modifying the rcS file as well, but keeping the innit tap
respawning to udboostram

right this gives me a 2 of 3 times blinking screen and then a white
screen, no text.

Apperantly the udboostrap change is needed.

Next try will be puting back the tty to null and setting the other line to
I've now also removed the four double-quotes from the two echo lines

Okay, this doesn't work either.

It seams that the tty-change is needed to get the interface.
However the dbootstrap or udbootstrap stuuff is unclear to me.

I will try one last time with all written changes and the double-quotes
removed from the echo lines, although I'm not sure if that will give the
desired result.

/proc doesn't appear to be mounted (no such file or directory)
this is the error-message I get (we noticed that all lines were the same
so they could be read by a sighted assistance).

Something seems to break the rcS-script.

either the echo or the read line are causing this.

Starting the process without any modifications to the root.bin and then
alt+f2 , return and typing the tar and brltty-start commands works fine.

I expect that the read ret line needs /proc keyboard interface.

One last test, no chnages to the rcS file and both chnages to the inittab.
nope, this causes the errors.
dbootstrap seems to need some /proc stuff opposed to udbootstrap

I'm doing one final test:
- changed the rcS file according specs
- changed line 21 in the inittab to reflect tty instead of null
- kept line 25 to udbootstrap
The screen blinks twice as it did before
no text
nope this ain't working.

It seams another fix is needed.
any suggestions?

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
student computer science        www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/
UU based & VU guest-student     jabber,icq,msn: do ask ;)
chairman Stichting Studiereizen STORM www: http://www.stistusto.nl
vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003

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