wath would be nice is if brltty works out-of-the-box for usb for install.
i.e. just chekc if brltty-cmnd-option is set if not start with auto-detect
if it is start with -e
On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Mario Lang wrote:

 > Koichi INOUE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > >   I am an ALVA 380 user.
 > >
 > >   Is it somewhat related to brltty in Debian Installer?
 > Actually, no.  In Debian-Installer, a prebaseconfig script which runs
 > shortly before the first reboot during the installation *should* actually
 > install brltty into the target system and adjust the configuration file
 > according to the settings passed as the boot prompt.  However, this does
 > not use debconf at all right now, so it is unrelated to my original question.
 > > If current D-I is intended to install brltty automatically in new
 > > system and the new brltty package is used in D-I, there might be some
 > > difficulty especially for new users.
 > As explained above, removal of debconf support would not affect the
 > procedure during an accessible new system install using a braille display.
 > It basically would only change things for people who install brltty
 > onto an already running / installed system by invoking apt-get install brltty
 > or some other equivalent command.
 > > If the parameter given at the boot prompt of D-I is propagated to
 > > brltty.conf of installed system, users don't need to edit brltty.conf
 > > until they want to use the same system with the other braille
 > > displays.
 > Yes, that is the plan of action.
 > > But if users have to edit brltty.conf in D-I manually to get braille
 > > output in the installed system, it will be more difficult to start
 > > Debian life by themselves.
 > Actually, that wouldn't just be more difficult, it would be a bug :-)
 > > Having dialogs will be also useful for sighted assistant to install
 > > Debian for blind users.
 > Yes, sort of, that is the only argument which still counts for
 > debconf, however, I really am not sure if that alone warrants the
 > maintainance nightmare that is a proper config-file parsing/changing debconf
 > support code.
 > Additionally, brltty 3.6 gained the ability to specify several different
 > display types on different busses at the same time, which allows
 > for quite flexible configurations.  For instance, on my laptop, I like
 > to use bluetooth as a bus to connect my braille star to the notebook,
 > since I dont have to connect cables anymore.  However, if for some
 > reason I forgot my bluetooth adapter, I will need to be able to connect
 > via USB, without having to change /etc/brltty.conf, because at that stage,
 > I dont have any working display.  So the ability to specify several display
 > types on several busses makes this possible.  Whenever there is no display
 > connected, BRLTTY will try all of the specified combinations until it finds a
 > display somewhere.  As soon as that display gets disconnected, the whole
 > circle starts over again.
 > This is actually very handy, but it also means that if we want proper
 > dialog based configuration via debconf, we (or better, I) have to implement
 > multiple-device selection support in debconf.  That doesnt exactly look
 > like fun, and it only adds to the complexity, which would need fixup
 > already anyway.

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
student computer science        www: http://www.nl.linux.org/~andor
UU based & VU guest-student     jabber,icq,msn,voip: do ask ;)
chairman Stichting Studiereizen STORM www: http://www.stistusto.nl
vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003

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