only note I can place here is that:
2.88mb sounds awfully simular to those 2.88 floppy-disks that have been
part of the debian-floppy creation for years.
why it's listed as cdrom *2.88mb), dunno.
On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

 > The brltty.txt in the installer/docs directory of the subversion checkout
 > of the debian-installer says:
 > 'Currently, the cdrom (2.88MB) i386 includes brltty by default.
 > Mario, since you wrote this, to what are you referring? Are you referring
 > to the boot.img under the cdrom section or to something else? Has this
 > been included for some time? If so, is this actually included in any of
 > the bootable cds of the sarge distribution? I'm asking because invoking
 > brltty with the format you indicate using the first cd from the September
 > 20 sarge set does not start brltty. So either this is more recent, or I'm
 > trying to use the wrong cd, or I am misunderstanding something here.
 > Please explain.
 > If I spent all that time hacking a cd so I could install sarge using
 > brltty and it was already available, I'd like to know what I missed.
 > thanks.

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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