Hi all,

I have installed gnome 2.4 on my Debian box with gnopernicus and BRLTTY
.deb packages. After, I initialised the following keys using gconftool-2

gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/gnopernicus/srcore/br_active true

gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnopernicus/braille/device BRLTTY

In gnopernicus I indicate that the number of the graphic console is 7
and I generate the file /etc/brltty/brlapi-key.

And after all these things done, no braille at all is displayed on my
braille display (an HandyTech BrailleTop). 

So, do you think something is missing in my configuration ? do Must we
do other things in order to be able to have braille in Gnopernicus ?
Is the BRLTTY package 3.3 for Debian compiled with the -enable-api
parametter ?
Thx in advance for your help,


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