[quoted lines by Mario Lang on 2003/08/22 at 12:21 +0200]

>If the fix is simple, I would be happy to accept it
>into the 3.3 Debian packages and do a re-upload.

There are two very simple fixes in 3.3.1 so far. My intention is to put only
simple fixes therein, and to put all significant development into 3.4. I can
release 3.3.1 whenever it's needed. What I'm trying to assess is if I need to
release it right away or if I should wait a bit to see if any other problems
are reported. It's the old give-and-take between the overhead of a release
versus getting fixes out to the users as quickly as possible. That's why I
asked the user if downloading from the repository is okay for him.

Dave Mielke           | 2213 Fox Crescent | I believe that the Bible is the
Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario   | Word of God. Please contact me
EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Canada  K2A 1H7   | if you're concerned about Hell.
http://familyradio.com/                   | http://mielke.cc/bible/

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