On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Mario Lang wrote:

> Luke Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > linux-speakup.org, has a Debian installer with speakup, if that is what
> > you desire.
> The latest information I have about the speakup-enabled woody
> boot-floppies is that they do not work.  Do you have any other
> information regarding this?
> Quoting the README for the woody speakup disks:
> "These are the woody bootdisks with speakup using kernel 2.4.17.  They
> were packaged from the 3.0.18 boot-floppies utils which are no longer
> current.  I will be updating them again in the next month or so
> depending on how much closer to release we get.  At that time there ..."

Well my words have come back to haunt me.  I have planned on updating
them.  However I just got an internet connection again this last month and
I will be working on them soonish.  However I would like to make all
architectures speakup enabled.  I just compiled speakup on a ppc with no
luck.  Kirk and I are working on this.  As far as I know the speakup
enabled woody floppies that are on the site work just fine.  I need to get
up to speed on the new installation system.  I don't think that it is that
important for me to work on woody disks now but I might anyway.

> Well, the release of Woody is not already nearly a year ago.

last July right?


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