Hi everyone, it's great to be here !  I missed the very first message,
and I hope that our initiative would survive us so that I'll miss a
lot more ;-) Thanks to Mario for the ML request (among a lot of other
things !), to Thomas Tempé, a friend of mine, that took a little time
to support us, and to all the others -- maybe not subscribed yet...

On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 10:28, Mario Lang wrote:


>   One of the more important long-term tasks we have is creating a
> Debian Accessibility HOWTO, to collect all the relevant information.
> Boris Daix has offered to work on this, and will probably have some
> comments about his current status.

Well, the document root is up (using debiandoc-sgml), and should be
Debian Documentation Policy (DDP)-compliant.  A first "toc" will be
available soon (two or three weeks) to get preliminary feedback.  As
Mario said, I propose to maintain this manual, and I'd do it having in
mind each disability.  Though, I have to say that my personal
experience is about sight one, so I'm especially looking forward other
experiences to get balance.

I propose the coming "toc" to be the root of a kind of state of the
art, as Mario begun on his page
(http://people.debian.org/~mlang/DebianAccessibilityProject.html), so
that we can merge our feedbacks in the DebAx manual.  I think the
first point should be "Browsing the Web".  So please share your tips
so that I can report them in the manual, and even ask for things
you're missing in case others have solved the problem.  For example,
I wonder how to manage frames efficiently : is there a "frame ring"
feature in one of the few text browsers (I really don't know...) ? :-)

OK, that's all for this time.

Good night
Boris Daix

   "In Freedom We Trust" (IFWT)
    (C) 2003 by Boris Daix ;-)

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