Dear [debian-68k],

A fellow Debian m68k user has asked me to report a bug on this list, so
I hope it will be useful.

As of the 2019-07-07 build of Debian m68k, the partitioner in the Debian
Installer hangs at 52%. This only happens when there are affs (Amiga
FFS) partitions present on any block device the system.

The cause for this is that partman calls parted_devices to get a list of
partitions, and then parses the stdout it generates. However, for each
affs partition, libparted will printf() a line of debug info to stdout,
which then confuses the partman scripts.

The statement in question can be found in libparted/fs/amiga/affs.c in
the parted code, and could be dropped altogether:

printf ("Pralloc = %d, Reserved = %d, blocksize = %d, root [...]

As a workaround until this is patched, I suggest switching to another
console when the installer asks for the hostname, and patching libparted
to print a string that the partman scripts will discard:

  sed -i "s/Pralloc =/\/dev\/mtd0/" /lib/

I can confirm that this works, and I can now partition and set up Debian
on my Amiga.


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