On 09/07/2018 11:01 AM, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> The CV64 driver (and the CV64/3D and Retina/Z3 drivers) were removed
> in commit e019630e78e3482c ("[PATCH] remove broken video drivers") in
> v2.6.21.

The plan is to eventually bring those drivers back. I have already
test hardware at home. elgar has actually one of the Cybervisions

> On A4000, amifb defaults to a VGA mode, which is not compatible
> with the 1084.
> Adrian: can you please remove:
>     StartInstall_CV3D
>     StartInstall_CV64
>     StartInstall_retz3
> and s/clgen/cirrusfb/ in StartInstall_clgen?

Can do. Probably a good idea not to tempt people into using these
when the drivers are currently missing. I can rename the Cirrus
stuff as well.

>> Copying the intrid.gz, kernal & startinstall to the hd. Then modifying
>> the startinstall script to read:
>> amiboot -d -l vmlinux-4.16.0-1-m68k -r initrd.gz root=/dev/ram
>> ramdisk_size=1500 fb=false debian-installer/framebuffer=false
>> video=amifb:pal nolangchooser
>> Results in video going to the amiga's output on the C= 1084 and I can
>> see what's going on.
> Correct.

I can maybe create script files for "amifb:ntsc" and "amifb:pal"
to avoid this problem. I wasn't aware that amifb defaults to
VGA on the 4000.


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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