On Wed, 9 Nov 2016, Michael Schmitz wrote:

> Not for Mac, but Geert usually boots kernels using ARAnyM. Pretty basic, 
> for sure, but it's been good enough so have something to work from.

I thought Geert still used gcc-4.1 (?)

> Having something like ARAnyM for Mac or Amiga would increase coverage, 
> but the varied and quirky Mac hardware out there makes that almost 
> pointless again.

AFAIK, MAME/MESS is the only thing that would be accurate enough.

For the Mac models that I was interested in (LC III for Egret and LC 520 
for Cuda), I was able to patch some of the known bugs in MAME/MESS to get 
the ROM to boot to a flashing question mark, but I didn't try to boot any 
further. I will try loading EMILE.


> Cheers,
>       Michael

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