
I created a simple howto which explains how to install Debian/68k
in ARAnyM and running it. This does not (yet) include networking.



Installing Debian/68k in ARAnyM

1. Install required packages on the host machine (as root)

   # apt install aranym parted debootstrap git
   # apt build-dep parted

2. Create a new folder for ARAnym

   $ mkdir debian-68k
   $ cd debian-68k

3. Run ARAnyM with the GUI and do the initial setup

   $ aranym --gui

4. In ARAnym, first create a new disk image

   * Click "Disks"
   * Click "Path:"
   * In the "Choose a file" dialog, type an image filename after "File:",
     for example "debian-68k.img", then click "OK"
   * In the field "Disk Size:", enter the desired disk image size in Megabytes
   * Click "Generate Disk Image"
   * Write down the Geometry data, that is the value for Cylinders, Heads and
     Sectors per track (not sure if necessary)
   * Tick the option "Present"
   * Click "Apply"
   * Click "Shutdown" to close ARAnym

5. Build a patched version of parted from source

   $ git clone https://github.com/glaubitz/parted.git
   $ cd parted
   $ ./bootstrap
   $ ./configure --disable-gcc-warnings
   $ make

6. Run parted to create partitions in the newly created disk images (as root)

   # /path/to/parted-git/parted/parted debian-68k.img

   * Type "mklabel atari" to create an empty partition table
   * Type "u", then "b" to switch the units to bytes
   * Create an ext3 partition with "mkpart":
     - Type "primary" for the type
     - Type "ext3" for the filesystem
     - Type "0" for the start
     - Type a number dividable by 1024 for the end,
       e.g. type "21474836480" for a 20 GiB partition
   * Create a swap partition with "mkpart"
     - Type "primary" for the type
     - Type "linux-swap" for the filesystem
     - Type the end block of the first partiion
       as start, e.g. "21474836480"
     - Type a number dividable by 1024 for the end,
       then add this value to the start value
       e.g. type "25769803776" for a 4 GiB swap
       partition after the first partition
   * Exit parted by typing "quit"

7. Create a new loop-back device on the host from the disk image file (as root)

   # losetup /dev/loop0 debian-68k.img

   * The two partitions should now show up as:

     - /dev/loop0p1
     - /dev/loop0p2

   * Create a new ext4 filesystem on the primary partition

   # mkfs.ext4 /dev/loop0p1

8. Mount the disk image and install a minimal Debian/m68k base system into it 
(as root)

   # mount /dev/loop0 /mnt
   # debootstrap --arch=m68k --foreign --no-check-gpg --include=apt,nano 
unstable /mnt http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian-ports
   # umount /mnt

9. Configure ARAnyM to boot the image

   * Create a new text file for the ARAnyM configuration

   $ $EDITOR debian-68k.cfg

   * Use the values for Cylinders, Sectors and Heads from step 4.

   Present = Yes
   IsCDROM = No
   ByteSwap = Yes
   ReadOnly = No
   Path = debian-68k2.img
   Cylinders = 1058
   Heads = 16
   SectorsPerTrack = 63
   ModelName = Master

10. Configure ARAnyM for Linux

   FastRAM = 768
   Floppy =
   BootstrapArgs =
   BootDrive =
   GMTime = No

   Kernel = vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-m68k
   Args = root=/dev/nfhd8p1 init=/bin/bash rw devtmpfs.mount=1 video=atafb:vga16
   Ramdisk = initrd.img-3.16.0-4-m68k
   LoadToFastRam = No

11. Download kernel and initrd

   $ wget 
   $ https://people.debian.org/~glaubitz/chroots/kernels/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-m68k

12. Boot ARAnyM

   $ aranym-mmu -c debian-68k.cfg -l

13. Once ARAnyM has booted up, run the second stage of debootstrap

   # /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage

   * This takes quite some time, especially the unpacking of the base system

14. Set a root password and a hostname

   # passwd (type new password, twice)

   # echo "aranym-host" > /etc/hostname

15. Shutdown ARAnym

   # sync

   * Close the ARAnyM window ot kill the emulator

16. Boot the system normally

   $ $EDITOR debian-68k.cfg

   * Remove the line "init=/bin/bash" from the "Args" line
   * Save the file and exit editor

   $ aranym-mmu -c debian-68k.cfg -l


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
  `-    GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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