Hi *! Let me introduce myself: my name is Carlos and I'm a MSX, Commodore Amiga & UNIX lover. Recently, I got into this thread http://www.amiga.org/forums/showthread.php?t=65146 from Mr. Glaubitz that explained how to install a recent Debian release on the Amiga. Later, he published at http://people.debian.org/~glaubitz/chroots/ m68k-ready kernel images of version 3.16, as well as tarballs of the root filesystem; I was impressed to see a 3.16 m68k version.
Following the steps he provided I had a running Debian/m68k in my powered up Amiga 600. You can see the results here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov6fNeijWTo Now I have several questions: · Does someone know the root password for the tarballs? I can only enter the system in single-user mode and passwd is not working there. · I'm currently stuck because I have no PCMCIA card for Amiga that works with Linux/m68k. Actually I'm looking for one that works with the three: cnet.device, Linux/m68k, NetBSD/amiga. Do you know if there is somewhere I can find that? · What is the current status of the Debian m68k port? It was sad that the official support was dropped, but I can understand why. Is there any way to help? (although I have basics skills with C, by no means I'm a C coder). Greets, Carlos Carlos Milán Figueredo HispaMSX System Operator þ http://www.hispamsx.org<http://www.hispamsx.org/> * telnet://bbs.hispamsx.org<telnet://bbs.hispamsx.org/>