Christian T. Steigies dixit:

>kullervo is still experiencing spurious segfaults and ICEs, and I still
>don't see what causes them. I noticed this again when it was building

SIGBUS too (see mksh build logs).

>to build, the more probable it is to fail, and no, it is not an increase in
>cosmic rays, I measure that, everything is calm at the moment.


>Can we be sure that packages that build fine are actually ok, or may there
>be hidden problems in them? After all, I do not test every package that

There may be hidden problems in them, but the chance of that happening
is much much lower than the chance that they’re fine; most of these
exceptions would happen at packaging or test time, or produce an ICE,
and so cause a build to fail.

So I’d not explicitly worry about every package kullervo has built to
date, just keep this in the back of the head.

Ingo Jürgensmann dixit:

> usually this mainly applies when powering the machine off/on again. And I 
> doubt
> that all real hardware buildds suddenly suffer from the same problem while
> there's no such problem when running under etch-m68k.

Of course! Different workloads cause different failure patterns to
emerge. Linux 3.2 has a much much higher strain on any hardware than
Linux 2.0 did. Or than Windows® 3.x did, for that matter, or OS/2.
I know of systems not capable of running any UNIX®-ish system that
run even Windows® 98 stable-ly(!).

//mirabilos (who doesn’t run that beast himself)
Sorry,  I’m annoyed today and you came by as an Arch user. These are the
perfect victims for any crime against humanity, like  systemd,  feminism
or social democracy.
                -- Christoph Lohmann on

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