Christian T. Steigies dixit:

>So what is the problem with debootstrapping unstable?

Dependencies are not guaranteed, and there are often to usually multiple
versions of packages in unstable (not just on Debian-Ports), which makes
debootstrap choke every so often. You can only reliably debootstrap both
stable and testing (and, of course, oldstable).

>Are some important packages still in unreleased

Nah, nothing important, just binutils and eglibc…

>and btw what is "unreleased"?

>Then I hope it is only a matter of time until they move to unstable.

After the unfreeze, I guess.

>That might help in getting a working d-i, and maybe new CD images
>*dream* :-)

Nope. Nothing guarantees unstable will stay installable without
unreleased. But (once I get time), I have some ideas for d-i to
work with Debian-Ports ☺

<gcc> ncal.c: In function 'parsemonth': warning: comparison between pointer
and integer  • <mirabilos> ↑ hab da „in function parselmouth“ gelesen
<Natureshadow> ICH AUCH! • <Natureshadow> Ich hab gerade gedacht "Häh? Wie,
hab da parselmouth gelesen ... steht da doch auch :o?"  -- too much fanfic…

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