Mikael Pettersson dixit:

>That could work.

Does anyone have got a test programme for the atomic builtins,
which could ideally test their behaviour at runtime too, if there
is a way to get it tested deterministically? (As I admitted earlier,
I’m lacking skills in the parallel programming area…)

//mirabilos, your favourite m68k buildd
15:39⎜«mika:#grml» mira|AO: "mit XFree86® wär’ das nicht passiert" - muhaha
15:48⎜<thkoehler:#grml> also warum machen die xorg Jungs eigentlich alles
kaputt? :)    15:49⎜<novoid:#grml> thkoehler: weil sie als Kinder nie den
gebauten Turm selber umschmeissen durften?      -- ~/.Xmodmap wonders…

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