On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 07:56:39AM +0100, Michael Schmitz wrote:

> > | Wed 10:49:18 <ij> weasel: die technik war gestern kurz vor ort und hat
> > | kullervo resetted, allerdings kommt auch kein bild auf dem monitor und
> > | nen serielles kabel hatte derjenige nicht dabei
> > | Wed 10:50:01 <ij> weasel: die schauen freitag nochmal drauf... 
> My guess would be the boot disk has given up. 

That's my (worst case) guess as well. 

Do you remember the disk setup? Which disk on which SCSI ID or in which
order was the boot disk and such?

> Kullervo had an original Amiga monitor attached so there should always be 
> some 
> output without working boot disk even. I'm not sure the VGA port can be 
> expected 
> to be active. 

Usually yes, except someone accidently hit the little switch beside the
port. ;)

> The power switch needs careful handling IIRC - if the cover isn't fitted 
> right 
> it won't work.
> I've never had trouble with kullervo needing boards reseated and such - that 
> was crest's part. 
> Sorry, not much I can do from over here.

In the worst case I'll might be driving to Hamburg having a direct look
between Xmas and NY eve... If Christian can have a look earlier, I wouldn't
object, though... ;)

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