On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 02:08:32PM +0100, Xerxes Rånby wrote:
> It turned out that the bug is located in libgcj. The gcj java in debian  
> m68k should be concidered unstable.
> If someone wants to fix gcj on m68k there is a list of things to look  
> into from the gcc libjava tests:  
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-testresults/2008-09/msg00733.html
> The developement of the openjdk6 zero port to m68k will have to stall  
> untill gcj is fixed.

Thanks for all your work on this! Unfortunately, our compilers haven't 
been getting much love lately. gcc-4.3 and apparently gcj-4.3 have some 

Hopefully someone will get motivated to get us fixed up again.

> When running ant under GCJ a SIGSEGV is is caught when a forked process  
> returns that makes ant quit. This must be fixed so that ant and other  
> java programs work on m68k using gcj.

Not the only thing segfaulting either.



Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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