On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 10:42:23PM +0200, Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 08:00:02AM -0500, Stephen R Marenka wrote:
> > 
> > I've been working on building cd's. The results are at
> > <http://people.debian.org/~smarenka/d-i/cds-m68k/daily/>.
> Ok, I found debian-50-m68k-NETINST-1.iso, and it actually works a bit, no
> ramdisk_size problems (using 13000).


> Here are the problems:
> I always have trouble to find the StartInstall scripts. Somewhere I saw an

Okay, listed on my issues. I'll figure out what happened to them.

> The kernel has to be uncompressed since 2.6 I think, amiboot can not use

Probably no easy hook for this outside the installer. Can amiboot not be
fixed? Anyone?

> The next thing that is missing seem to be all the modules. The CD drive was
> not detected (IDE drive at the buddha controller), my Ariadne2 NIC was not
> detected either. I have the feeling that no modules are detected at all
> (lsmod showed nothing), so maybe I have to build kernels with all the
> neccessary drivers built-in? Initramfs never worked for me on my m68k
> machines, so the latest m68k kernels do not build the initramdisk with all
> the modules at all. In normal use, that does not matter, since the basic
> drivers for the SCSI and IDE controllers are built in, all other modules can
> then be loaded from harddisk. But do we need the initramdisk to create the
> initrd for the installer? Or should I build installer kernels, where we have
> all those drivers built in? I can try that for my next tests, but I am not
> sure if that is suitable for the official linux-2.6.

I believe the problem is that the cdrom doesn't have 2.6.24 modules
on it. Listed as an issue I'll track down.

> Oh so frustrating... so here is something to cheer you up. Maybe you don't

Sorry it was frustrating. 

Thanks for the report,


Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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