On Tue, Feb 05, 2008 at 03:04:31PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 February 2008, Eugen Paiuc wrote:
> > Good news , m68k is reentered in d-i  !
> Well, the building of the daily D-I images has never really been disabled as 
> far as I know.
> > But
> > http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/daily-builds/daily/arch-latest/m68k/iso
> >-cd/
> >
> > are forbidden for users (temporary I hope).
> Afraid not. As long as m68k is not in testing, we cannot build CD images 
> (all daily/weekly CD images use debs from testing). I have now removed the 
> links to the m68k CD images from the D-I project webpage (only thing we can 
> do really).
> If there are any installation methods that don't require CD images, you 

nativehd should work (I'd use suite=etch-m68k).

> could try that. You could also see if someone in the Debian m68k community 
> would be willing to build CD images using packages from unstable.

What's the procedure for that? At the moment, sid is pretty broken for
installation (we're far behind), but no reason not to start the process.



Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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