Hello Brian,

Am 2007-10-10 01:08:32, schrieb Brian Morris:
> hi, you guys
> i downloaded today from freescale some 650 page pdf file
> it is called 68000 family programmer reference and apparently
> combines the manuals refered to in the 680x0 user manuals.
> (which are themselves good size technical books, i had seen
> the 020 before and i downloaded the 040 today).
> is this the book someone could not find before ? is there difficulty
> getting it overseas because of export restrictions ?
------------------------- END OF REPLIED MESSAGE -------------------------

Which CPU's does your PDF cover?
I have gotten one from the Motorola Website but ist is ony up to 68040.

Since I have a couple of CPU's (~200, and over 1500 other chips) laying
around which I had gotten from Motorolla when I was in some developer
courses there...

Can you send me the link to the PDF you downloaded?
(You can even send me the PDF as PM since my Mail-Accound support 2.5 GByte)

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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