# xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
# values from the debconf database.
# Then it was modified by hand merging with ppc xorg.conf that worked and
# further editing to include framebuffer modes (output of fbset -x).
# so far it only works on my q630 and FAILS on my q605
# also only tested with unstable/xorg7.2 (etch is 7.1) .... BCM 5/29/07

I tested your xorg.conf on etch and is ok. Thank for your work.

Funy, now, even the "standard" xorg.conf , in depth 16 is working.

There is a little issue with flushing the video_ram before doing startx.

Playing with  depth 8, startx and then depth 16 startx, resolve issue.

Xorg has a bug on processor (>68020) with out native fpu.

{You just hit an inplemented fpu instruction (flogn) and (fetox)
0: /usr/bin/X11/X(xf86 SigHandler+0x6e)[0x8007b7de]
1:[0xefce6a38] or [0xefa28a38]}

Maybe that is why xorg don't work  on q605

(or a q630 with out native fpu, my case)

Tests made on q630  with

1. processor 040 with fpu
2. processor 040 without fpu


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