On Fri, Oct 20, 2006 at 08:21:15PM -0500, Stephen R Marenka wrote:
> >    (c) not bother with an etch-equivalent release for m68k
> I'm not sure about this. I'd sure like to have some form of stable, even
> if we only do base and security-support base-type packages. I'd hate to 
> have to maintain unstable/testing as the distribution on my buildd's.

On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 01:01:39AM +0200, Michael Schmitz wrote:
> >    (c) not bother with an etch-equivalent release for m68k
> I'd like to keep that option, at least to build a release of our own
> design (maybe leaving out some tough stuff; at the very least something
> you can install and then work from).

On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 02:37:04AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> >    (c) not bother with an etch-equivalent release for m68k
> I'm with Stephen on this one. It doesn't have to be a full release, but
> something that we and our users can use and that we can build security
> support packages for would be nice.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 02:39:26PM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> >>    (c) not bother with an etch-equivalent release for m68k
> I'm very much for a stable release for m68k. It gives you something to
> run the buildd on or to reinstall from that you know works. With
> testing something breaks every day.
> I don't mind removing large amounts of packages from stable for
> m68k. Cut away anything that isn't working and not neccessary. Avoind
> diverting from the official stable sources unless something neccessary
> breaks.

So, right now you need to decide on which you want to focus on, getting
a etch equivalent release out, or getting a testing-m68k operational. It
might be possible to have both eventually, but you definitely need to
choose one now. If you want to do an etch-m68k you'll need to work out
what packages you want to drop, and how you're going to keep in sync
with etch proper now; the testing-m68k stuff will probably have to wait
'til after etch in that case.

Personally, I think m68k would be better served by having a testing-m68k
and taking occassional snapshots which serve as the supported stable-m68k
release, rather than worrying about something equivalent to etch itself.

And please note: while the security team /might/ be willing to do support
for a limited m68k-etch, you can't assume they will -- you really should
be ready to that support yourself in case they find themselves too busy
supporting sarge and etch on the release architectures.


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