On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 05:35:43PM +0300, nzabrod wrote:
> >Typically Amigas are maxed out at 128 MB Fast Ram on the accelerator card
> >(plus any other "FastRAM", which is attached via ZorroII/III bus or on the
> >mainboard, but that's comparably slow with 13 MB/s), because there are
> >usually no more CAS lines. 
> >So, even when you would have 64 MB PS/2 SIMMS, you would only have 128M on a
> >(let's say) CyberStorm MK2 accel card... 
> The problem is: If you will actually find 128MB Simm on eBay, nobody will 
> give you a warranty, that it WILL work in your AMIGA. =(
> And about installer requrements: I think, that Amigans need really simplified 
> installer, that will install only basic packages like gcc/libc, asm, 
> essential libraries, make, autoconf... and all that stuff, that needed to 
> build OTHER packages. Also SSHD, FTPD are really reqired, AFAIK. 
> Also I think, that ppl, who use linux on amiga are more technically educated, 
> and most of them know, what they are doing - they don't need a GUI-based 
> installer (yes, it's handy, but it eats resources). So, I like netbsd way of 
> installing. After generic install I get system, ready to build packages and 
> it capable of handling ssh access (I don't have a monitor, so I connect amiga 
> to TV on install time) and ftp access (I can upload/download files).
> In most cases it's really enough to start your m68k-linux life. And for 
> Debian we have LARGE pre-compiled amount of packets. Future is not so dark 
> =). 

Have you installed with debian-installer lately? The GUI is text-based.
You have the option of installing no more than base (which is less than
build-essential + openssh-server). The main ram hog is the partitioner
-- now if we could just skip that part .... ;)

Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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