On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 12:42:39PM +0100, Christian Brandt wrote:
> Stephen R Marenka schrieb:
> >I think you'll need more ram for any of the modern debian installers to
> >work. I think something like 40MB is currently the lower limit, but it
> >could be higher.
>  The recent trend to "more ram" could make debian-m68k pretty pointless 
> within one or two release cycles: Most m68k-systems just don't have 64 
> or 256MB of RAM, we are lucky having 16MB of RAM.

Well it doesn't cost much to add RAM and most old macs and amigas, at
least, can take it.

>  I personally gave up using debian on my system (030/25Mhz/16MB-RAM) 
> after 3.0 and even 3.0 is painfull to use. If I ever upgrade my old 
> system it will be some sort of Linux from Scratch with ulibc or a 
> handtuned libc6, tinyX, and a handtuned kernel. Maybe someone ports 
> slackware for m68k.

How much will handtuning really help? If it's a great deal, then maybe
we should adopt them for the platform. We need real numbers those, not

>  Is there even one single alternative to m68k-Debian which doesn't sum 
> up as "Linux from Scratch"?

I think we're the last distro that actually supports m68k.

>  Sorry for grumbling in public ;-)

You could always help out. If people don't help, then we might well not
be around in another couple of releases. Someone explicitly working on
minimizing the requirements of the installer and other key packages
would certainly be welcomed.

This is kind of interesting after the recent post about debian/m68k
being so superior in speed to netbsd.

Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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