Stephen R Marenka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Feb 21, 2006 at 07:12:09PM +0000, Roger Leigh wrote:
>> There is a problem with compiling C++ code using mathinline.h.  The
>> inline function signatures do not match the prototypes in
>> mathcalls.h.  The prototypes in mathcalls.h include a throw specifier
>> (AFAICT from __MATHCALL), but the functions in mathinline.h lack this,
>> leading to build failures:
> [...]
>> I'm not familiar with glibc/m68k, but adding __THROW to the inline
>> functions should be all that is required.
> It's just not clear to me where this is supposed to go. I stuck
> mathinline.h at <>.
> I'd be happy to test the results if you could give me some pointers.

It might be as simple as:

--- m68kmath/mathinline.h       2006-02-21 18:26:28.000000000 +0000
+++ mathinline.h        2006-02-25 23:30:48.000000000 +0000
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 /* Define a const math function.  */
 #define __m81_defun(rettype, func, args)                                     \
   __m81_inline rettype __attribute__((__const__))                            \
-  __m81_u(func) args
+  __m81_u(func) args __THROW
 /* Define the three variants of a math function that has a direct
    implementation in the m68k fpu.  FUNC is the name for C (which will be

Basically, you need to add __THROW after the function prototype.
Following all the #defines backwards:

__inline_mathop(atan, atan)
__inline_mathop1(double, func, op)
__m81_defun (float_type, func, (float_type __mathop_x))

leads us to the real prototype being expanded in __m81_defun.  I think
this is the right place, but I'm not completely certain.


Roger Leigh
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