On Sun, Dec 18, 2005 at 10:35:14PM +0100, Andreas Fester wrote:

> what is the proper way to
> "Please (re)check, if a package can be built by g++ > 3.4
>  on [hppa/arm/m68k]"?

Ask here usually works.

> Do I simply remove the explicit build dependency on g++,
> upload the package and wait if it succeeds (and probably
> create the next package version with the build dependencies
> re-added again if it still fails)?

That's the surest way.

> Or are there any sandboxes available (I am no DD) to try it
> on specific architectures before uploading?

I don't know if any of the m68k boxes are available to non-DD's. Maybe
someone will speak up.

> I am specifically talking about
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-gcc/2005/11/msg00123.html
> which should be fixed now...

That bug does indeed seem fixed on m68k. Several other packages that
were plagued by it are now built.

> If anyone is volunteering on checking the package on
> hppa/arm/m68k :-), its log4cxx, available at

Note also that log4cxx is currently needs-build on m68k (major backlog).

Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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