On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 04:28:44PM +0200, Loïc Minier wrote:

>  It seems quite a lot of m68k builds are missing for packages for the
>  GNOME 2.10 transition.  Looking at:
>     <http://buildd.debian.org/stats/graph-week-big.png>
>  ... it seems m68k has a big backlog.

Yes, indeed... 

http://unstable.buildd.net/buildd/m68k_stats says, m68k has roughly about
300 packages backlog, slightly growing when looking at

>  Can some additional buildds be brought online?  Or maybe should some
>  manual builds take place?

It would be nice, when the existing buildds would be brought back online,
such as akire and zot (although zot is not the speediest). Christian
Steigies added a new 66 MHz 060 (garkin) buildd lately, but that suffers
from some problems (having only a serial link f.e.).

There are some others machines available as well which could be used, but
aren't (for some known reasons ;)... 

Ciao...                //        Fon: 0381-2744150 
      Ingo           \X/         SIP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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