On Tue, Sep 06, 2005 at 11:59:44AM -0700, Yan Seiner wrote:

> Partman never lets me create any partitions.  It chokes on "Detecting 
> file systems" or something similar.  It hangs; I can ping the machine on 
> the network but otherwise it appears dead.  I can type at the keyboard 
> and characters appears on the screen.
> I didn't know how to change ttys (I do now) so I can't post log info... 
> I will test tonight or tomorrow and see if I can provide better info.

Did you confirm that you don't have one of the problematic 68LC040s? I
had to swap mine out before the system was stable for any length of

Stephen R. Marenka     If life's not fun, you're not doing it right!

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